Friday, December 7, 2007

Deadly new bubbles go unremarked upon

Oil, the euro, wheat, natural gas, dairy, corn, coal, iron ore, and on and on and on, all are experiencing sharp rises since August. Why? Ah! It must be heavy demand from ..... Heavy demand anyway.

It is not heavy demand, it is another speculative bubble.
Soybeans are at their highest price since 1990. Wheat prices set a record in September and are now at $8.36. Oil prices have been driven into the $90 range, in spite of analysts' assessments that fundamentals suggest a price closer to $60. Beef prices are surging higher in contrast to precedent. Hog slaughter is at an all-time high and has been since September 5. Imports of Canadian feeder pigs is well above records in spite of the surge of the Canadian dollar. Copper is trading at $8,245 a ton vs. $6,261 per ton indicated by underlying fundamentals, at least those assessed by Credit Suisse.

The euro goes ever higher against the dollar, but the yen remains well within historic parameters.

The thinking by the investor class explicitly is, "Commodities are a hedge against dollar weakness. They are secure compared to the "innovations" of the financial sector." and "The euro and euro securities are secure and rising relative to the dollar."

Food prices are skyrocketing. This bubble is going to actually kill people by starvation.

Ten experts miss this. I think that proves my point.

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